December 23, 2023

Sometimes It Pays to be a Pack Rat

 With the prices of stuff today, it pays to be a pack rat and be able to dig into a stash, and find the one thing I am looking for. It is getting hard to find some stuff in stores, and when I do find it, the price makes me wonder how much I really want it.

My next project is to organize all my "Stuff" and get it into totes and label those totes. That way I can find stuff more easily when I or one of my friends needs something. It is good to have "pack rat" friends. we can share things we have.

This next year is my year of change, so many things have changed so far, and there will be more changes in the future.

Change is sometimes a good thing. 

Christmas week, ( Christmas Eve to New Year's Day), I will catch up on reading some of the books I got and never really had time to read, watch movies, and only do fun things. Then on the second of January work again will begin. There is so much more yet to do, but it will get done, this time it will get done. Circumstances are different now.


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