September 23, 2024

Almost October

 I have progressed to the point when the to do list is shorted then the done list. That is good. The bathroom is now done, The spare bedroom will be done when my sewing/craft room is done, as things from the bedroom will be going into the sewing/craft room.

I emptied a bookcase from the second floor and brought it down to the dining room, and put all the books I have purchased to read in it. If I see the books I read them. If I don't they sort of get lost in everything else. I got rid of that ugly desk I hated and in it's place now is a glass curio cabinet. Takes up half the space the desk did. I really do not need a desk. They just turn into a place to keep stuff that should have been thrown out in the first place.

I have emptied the china cabinet and the buffet, and am waiting for someone to bring a trailer to haul it away. I have plans for that space, another item in the bedroom will be moving to where that stuff was. In time the bedroom will just be a bed room and nothing else.

Still have not finished the sun room, started it, but that was about as far as I got. I am thinking maybe 2 days and it will be done.

Finished the outdoor markets for the year, now just indoor shows. So I can put everything I no longer need away.

Went and got a collection of empty boxes to box more stuff up to donate. I had run out of boxes. Tomorrow I will go get some more. If I have too many, then I will just give them to someone else. Everyone is always looking for boxes.

This was going to be a clean the sun room day, but turned into a bookkeeping day. That has to be done too, and now I think everything from the markets is ready for the end of the year.

Still have to attack that rose bush, started on it, but have now decided to just cut it down to about a foot off the ground. It will lose about 8 feet of height. It has really gotten out of control. Hoping it does not rain next week as that is the time I have set aside for the outdoor work.

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